Lindsay, in brief

When I was baptized and received into the Catholic Church in 2001, at the age of 19, I thought it was the end of a journey, conclusion of study, and answer to prayer. And while it may have been all those things, it was really the beginning of a new Life. It is a continual conversion, a true pilgrimage. I have found G.K. Chesterton’s words about the Church true for myself: “I will not call it my philosophy; for I did not make it. God and humanity made it; and it made me.” Or rather, it is making me. Here you find me– a mother to seven incredible humans, daughter of the Church, continually challenged to grow through my vocation as wife and mother, to seek Christ in the everyday as I home-school and work from home; humbled, terrified, and amazed by beauty in the ordinary. I have been an actress, teacher, speaker; here I write about this and that as a work in progress, a fellow sojourner.


In 2004, I had the opportunity to portray St. Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower, in a film called Thérèse. Eventually, I will include some stories and memories of that process, which spanned over four years between filming, release, and promotion.


Also in 2004, I married a remarkable person and embarked on the greatest and most rewarding challenge: the vocation of marriage and motherhood. It’s been a crucible AND a glorious feast (how is that possible, except with God?) We have seven children and have moved them around the country, though currently are contentedly settled in the Ohio River valley.